Thursday, April 26, 2012


Wow! Nearly a week since I've logged on, and a week since I've actually posted anything. Not good. I'm in the crazy preparation mode for finals, and I won't be out for another week and a half.

I haven't run in a week, but I have tonight off so I'll be sure to get out today! I promise, promise, promise as soon as schools out, I'll post more. And now, I must get back to Stats! Have a wonderful day! Keep running!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Small Success

Woo! What a wonderful day!

I was about to skip out on my run when I received an encouraging text from my dad. Honestly, I felt horribly guilty. I probably didn't go into it with the best attitude, but somewhere during my warm-up, I thought, "What the heck, I'm here, I might as well give it my all!" And I did. And it felt great.

My runs have increased to a minute and half intervals. Right when I'd start dragging my feet, the British chick on my phone chimed, "Only fifteen seconds to go!" and I wouldn't let myself stop (this is a big deal as I usually have zero will power).

I knew that the guilty feeling would only get worse if I petered out with so little time left. Bottom line: I made it without really slowing down! This was a first for me. Despite the addition of of 30 seconds, I improved! Crazy, right? I'm really excited about it. Actually, I'm doing a bit of a dance right now. Dance-y. Dance-y. Dance.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wah. Wahh. Wahhh. (Rainy Day Blues)

My weekend off, and it's raining. Isn't that just the way it always seems to go? The last few days have been discouraging--between my work schedule, training and prep for finals, I'm feeling really overwhelmed. I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in! Even my vow to blog more often only lasted a day. A day! 

I really, really wish I could log in and say how wonderfully things have been going for me, but mostly I've been sleeping a lot, eating junk and barely making it through my runs. I've hit a wall two weeks in! But I'm going to stick it out! It's just the beginning, and things will (or should) get easier. If nothing else, I'll be done with school in three weeks, and done with my crazy chaotic work schedule in five. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. I just have to keep telling myself that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

R&R&R: Rest, Relaxation, Randomness.

Finally! A relatively chill day! I slept in, did some shopping, cooking, went to school, work and actually have sometime to blog. Tomorrow I get my first day off in nearly two weeks! That is  pretty dang cool. And I am really happy about it.

A quick recap: On Monday night, I got home from work rather late and couldn't muster up the motivation to get out for a run. I knew I had to get some sort of activity in, so I turned to my roommate's plethora of workout DVDs. I decided on Jillian Michaels' "6 Week Six-Pack." Jillian kick my badonkadonk. My hamstrings, abs and glutes ached like no other. By the end, I could barely stand!

Before class on Tuesday I went for my third run on C25k. It was awesome! I was still incredibly sore, but I was able to keep up a steady pace for all eight intervals. The temptation to just walk it hit hard, and early, but I endured!! (Can I get a "Whoot, whoot!")?

My next run day is Friday, but I'm hoping to get a walk and some weight training in tomorrow.

Today I'm just hanging out, listening to good music and eating some delicious food!

I LOVE food. And I LOVE music. So, as any food or music enthusiast would do, I'm going to tell you about what I'm into. It's not Disney related, or even slightly running related, but if there is a chance it will bring you some joy, I think it is worth sharing.

Here they are:

The Kooks. They've been around for awhile, and have actually been quite popular with songs like, "Naive" and "She Moves in Her Own Way" playing on the radio and in Applebee's nationwide. The Brit-Pop group always makes me smile. Always. Their most recent album, "Junk of the Heart" is wonderful. I literally giggle as I listen to it. Check it out, if you haven't. It's love. Lovelovelovelovelove. (...with the exception of one song that drops the f-bomb, which is so unfortunate. Still, the rest is definitely worth listening to).

Quinoa! I've been reading about it for months--"Superfood!" and " The Greatest Grain." It's got a higher level of protein than any other whole grain. It's low on the glycemic index scale (it keeps you fuller longer), and it's delicious. I tried it for the first time a couple weeks ago, and let me tell you, it held up to the hype! I was skeptical at first, but these recipes won me over.

Quinoa Tomato Salad

1 1/2 cups cook Quinoa
1 cup grape tomatos (sliced into halves)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons feta
2 garlic cloves (minced)
1 handfull cilantro (optional)

Heat oil in pan over medium heat. Stir garlic and tomato into oil until tomato is soft. Stir Quinoa, feta, and cilantro in pan. Salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!

It's very simple, I know, but so delicious! You could easily add arugula or spinach to it, if you're looking for some more greens. You could eat it hot and fresh or pack it cold for lunch. Either way. It's good stuff. Note: I made enough for one, so if you have a family, you'll want to multiply. :)

Really Simple Mango Quinoa Salad

3 cups cooked quinoa (chilled)
1 ripe mango (cut into small pieces)
1 cup baby spinach
1/4 cup feta
1/4 chickpeas
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1 handful cilantro (optional)

Mix all ingredients throughly. Serve cold. Eat up!! It's bright, and summery and just plain yummy. (If I do say so myself).

I hope everyone's training is going well! Keep it up!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lessons: Part One

I'm about a week into training, and I thought I'd share what I have learned so far! I realize that eventually I'll have to expand on this, so I'm calling this post "Lessons: Part One."

1. Blogging is hard. I have a newfound respect for my fellow bloggers. After work and school, I usually forget to even log on. Posting regularly has been a struggle. But when I'm stepping out the door or attempting to justify not going for a run, blogging is the extra nudge I need. I think of anyone that may be reading my blog, or expecting me to follow through and I find the motivation to get off my tushy! The more I keep up the blog, the more motivated I am and the more I will stick to my training. So I will do really try to blog more (hopefully, daily)!

2. Running is hard. Seriously! Running is so much more difficult than I thought! Everyday I see people running around campus. They look very cute, and fit and they practically prance. My feet feel like cinder blocks as I lift them, and fall sloppily on the pavement. My lungs burn. I gasp for breath. I wipe my snot on my shirt! It's hard! And it's gross! I am sure I do not look cute. But that is not the point! I want to be fit. I want to be strong. I want to push myself to do things that I never thought I could do! I want to break the limits I have set for myself. So looking cute and being comfortable doesn't seem that important at the moment. Eventually, the discomfort will mean feeling better and, yes, looking cuter.

With time, I'll get there. I just have to stick it out, and be patient!


A quick question for my fellow runners participating in the Disney Princess Half Marathon: Registration has opened up for the January runs in WDW. Might that mean that registration for the Princess Half Marathon will open sometime next month...? I've seen July as the earliest registration window, but thought perhaps it's changed. I figured if anyone knows it's you guys! :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day Two (The Do-Over)

I did it! I got my fresh start on my second, second day. As soon as I got home from work, I grabbed my phone, laced up my running shoes and set out for my first official day of C25k training! And let me tell you, it felt great! It was tiring, don't get me wrong. It reminded me (yet again) how out of shape I am. But I was able to keep up! After finishing day one, I'm more optimistic about reaching my goal. I did day one, I can do day two (and three and four and go right up until the very end). And, of course, let's not forget the rush of endorphins! It's amazing what a mood-booster working out is! Honestly, I had forgotten. 

It's strange, I've never been excited about working out before, but now I can't wait for my rest day to be over and start day two of C25k! Yes, that's right folks, I'm excited. Crazy, right? Crazy awesome. 

OH! Another bit of exciting news: I think I've convinced my mother to do the Princess Half Marathon with me! We're starting to make plans for registration and everything! Between my first day of C25k, and starting to plan the trip, it's starting to sink in--I'm going to run with the Princesses! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The past couple of days have been CRAZY chaotic with work and school and I haven't been able to get any running (or blogging) in. I am a little frustrated that I've already had a lapse in my training. I mean, c'mon, I missed day two! Day two!!

But the frustration will not get the best of me. I will go for a run tonight after work, and I will blog about it.

And you can hold me to it. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day One

With a full night's sleep under my belt, I was feeling very energized and optimistic today. By the time I'd gotten home from school, work and running errands, my energy died out and I just wanted to crawl in bed. But I didn't!

A small victory, but I will take it. 

My second wind came around by the time the Katies (my lovely and super encouraging roommates) came home. We decided to go for a run. The original plan was to start with the "Couch 2 Five K" app on my phone. In just over a couple of months, it turns a couch bum into a 5k runner! I (a self-proclaimed couch bum) left my arm band at my parents house over the weekend, so I had to run without my phone. I attempted to keep up with my roommate's pace. After four minutes or so, my lungs were on fire and my legs were feeling really weak. 

I slowed down to a walk. I transitioned to a shuffle (the old person kind not the cool LMFAO kind), then to a pitiful run and, finally, a power walk. One of the Katies began literally running laps around me. She even had enough energy to shout encouraging words to me and do a little "Go Team!" dance every time she passed. I could not keep up with that kind of energy. Not even close. 

The "run" lasted about 45 minutes. I couldn't feel my legs as I walked up the stairs to our apartment. I was (and am) so tired. But in a really pleasant way. Sore, but relaxed. I felt great, actually. It's amazing what a little exercise will do for you!

Tomorrow, I'm borrowing a friend's armband so I'll be able to start C25k tomorrow! Anyway. In the middle of my run, I was thinking my goal might be a little beyond me. But I've realized that if I ease my way into it and just do it, I will eventually get there. As they say, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!" (Cliche, I know, but I couldn't resist). ;)

Monday, April 2, 2012


Last night I got approximately four hours of sleep. I kept waking up every forty-five minutes or so, wide awake, and unable to get back to sleep. I'm usually a 9 hours a night kinda girl, so I am practically a zombie today.

The plan was to run this afternoon between school and work, but that didn't happen. I did what I could given the circumstances and decided to focus on diet and resting up. I didn't allow myself any sugar and I'm going to turn in early.

Anyway, tomorrow (after a full night's sleep) I will start training. Hopefully, I'll feel refreshed and be ready to kick some serious butt!

So stoked (and a little scared!) to get started!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Alright, you guys...

I've tried to start up blogs before, and my enthusiasm dies after a post or two. But this time, I think it'll be different! Before, I was rambling on and on about this and that, and frankly, I just didn't have much direction.

I've created this one with one sole purpose: To track my progress as I train for the Princess Half Marathon in 2013 and just get my booty into shape!

A little bit about me:

I have never (ever!) considered myself an athlete. I have this preconceived notion that I'm the most clumsy person to ever lace up a pair of tennis shoes. BUT this, I have realized, is absolutely absurd! I haven't really tried anything remotely athletic for over three years. And I've never tried running. I've always had a defeatist attitude, completely without reason.

So why now?

After I quit swimming my junior year, I gained some weight. And so the yo-yo diets and day long marathons of The Biggest Loser began. I'd lose a pound or two, but ultimately end up gaining more. A few months ago something just clicked! By taking a few things out of my diet (for good!) and eating more whole foods, I managed to lose all but 5 pounds of the weight I gained. Pretty cool stuff.

Between my epiphany that I might actually be athletic and the results I saw with my weight loss, I thought, "What the heck! Why not do something crazy?! Why not run a race?! I think I can actually do this!" And what better race to run than the 1/2 marathon in WALT DISNEY WORLD?! I mean, c'mon. Disney has to be the ultimate motivation. (Certainly enough motivation to keep up a blog).

So here it is! Ramblings of my progress, pains and everything else that comes with getting to the half marathon! Let's share in the journey together and support each other along the way!

First Post

Just testing things out here! Can't wait to make legitimate post!